long wave downward radiation at surface long wave upward radiation at surface short wave downward radiation at surface short wave upward radiation at surface temperature skin layer soil heat flux sensible heat flux latent heat flux anthropogenic heat flux friction velocity boundary layer height 2m temperature 2m specific humidity 10m u-component wind 10m v-component wind cloud cover fraction
height of full level pressure at full level temperature potential temperature specific humidity zonal component wind meridional component wind
u-component geostrophic wind v-component geostrophic wind u-component momentum advection v-component momentum advection temperature advection moisture advection vertical movement
height of half level pressure at half level vertical temperature flux vertical moisture flux vertical flux u-component momentum vertical flux v-component momentum eddy diffusivity momentum eddy diffusivity heat turbulent kinetic energy shear production buoyancy production total transport dissipation
height of soil level soil temperature soil water content
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